We can become overwhelmed with the idea of change when it feels too big, and too insurmountable to overcome. We may become discouraged before we’ve even begun, or soon after we’ve begun when we see that the task before us will require greater effort and struggle than we imagined.
In those times, look for small shifts that are already happening. When did you have a success in the past week? Surely your problem was not occurring 100% of the time. If even 1% of the time you were doing something more effective, figure out what you did differently. The challenge is to continue those things you’re doing that are already effective.
Then, build on that foundation. Look for opportunities to make additional, small shifts in your behavior and thought patterns. While some people experience significant breakthroughs, more often change happens in small shifts that accumulate over time and result in eventual meaningful change. So look for the best way today to make a small shift. It may seem small now, but its impact can be significant and lasting.