I led an experiential therapy group integrating some themes from Taekwondo. I taught each young woman in the group to…
Jesus Didn’t Triangulate
Psychologists call it “triangulation.” It’s a fancy word for describing what happens when two adults are having a conflict and…
Choose the Better Part
It couldn’t be clearer in the story of Mary and Martha that Jesus values time set aside to rest, reflect,…
The Plant that Made Me Cry
When Zach was a newborn, Dusty gave me a very thoughtful Mother’s Day gift: a beautiful tall house plant with…
Grief and Running the Course
I ran a 5k on Saturday with my close friend Michelle, and as I approached the place where people were…
Compassion for Self
“We can respond to our pain with the Samaritan part of ourselves, a part that unexpectedly exceeds expectations and comes…
A Silent Healing Presence
“We can follow the early example of Job’s friends and be willing to listen quietly. We can give our loved…
Lenten Vacation
I’m on a vacation in the middle of Lent and I’m loving every moment of it. Well, sort of. I’m…
“Should I Quit Therapy?”
When you’re not in therapy, or have never been in therapy, you can keep a pleasant distance from your uniquely…
Renovations Needed
I’ve given a lot of thought to the heartache and fracture the UMC has endured and inflicted over the past…